考研复试中一定会问到关于重师的相关信息,而校训又是特别容易被问到的问题。重师官网并没有给出官方译文。因此本文分享重师校训(School motto )参考翻译版本。
重师校训:厚德 笃学 励志 创新 并非:学高为师,身正为范
- 厚德:语出《易经•坤》:“地势坤,君子以厚德载物。”“厚德”意即以德为厚,强调通过加强修养,培养高尚的道德情操。我校把“厚德”放在校训的首位,旨在强调“德育为先”的基本原则,凸显“教人先自教,正人先正己”的为师之道,进一步体现学校重视思想道德建设,引导师生员工追求更高的思想道德目标。
地势坤, 君子以厚德载物。 (《周易•彖上》) (大地的气势厚实和顺, 君子应以宽厚美德容载天下万物。)
Just like the earth, which is generous and peaceful, a man of virtue should have ample virtue and accommodate all things. (The Book of Changes)
地势之顺,以地德之厚也。厚,故万物皆载焉。君子以之法地德之厚,而民物皆在所载矣。 (陈梦雷《周易浅述》卷一) (大地的形势是和顺的,因为大地具有宽厚的品德。因其宽厚,所以能承载万物。君子效法大地的宽厚品德,百姓、万物就都能被包容了。)
The peaceful nature of the earth is due to its virtue of generosity. Thus, it can accommodate and provide for all things. By modeling himself on the earth, a man of virtue should care for all people and all things. (Chen Menglei: A Simple Account of The Book of Changes)